APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency

APB Proudly Honors International Women’s Day & Women’s History Month

08 Mar 2017

International Women's Day Be Bold For Change

Today on International Women’s Day and throughout Women’s History Month, we honor all women. The brave and bold, the leaders, innovators, mothers, daughters and sisters, the ones who speak up for those whose voices can’t be heard. Every day, many of these powerful women from different backgrounds enact change through compelling speeches made possible by APB. Women leaders are examples of how far the fight for equality has come. Today, the concept of a female leader is conceivable only because of women in history who dared to make a difference and make their voices heard.

For years, APB has offered a platform for women to speak up and enact change. Through the showcasing of female voices, we help make the fight for gender equality an ongoing conversation. From award-winning journalists and actresses, to activists, global leaders and political figures, women’s issues are addressed daily by our amazing, eloquent and empowering female APB speakers:

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