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New APB Exclusive: Lindsay Peoples Wagner is the Future of Fashion

08 Apr 2020

New APB Exclusive: Lindsay Peoples Wagner is the Future of Fashion

Moving up the ladder at Teen Vogue from intern to first job out of college to now Editor-in-Chief, new exclusive APB speaker Lindsay Peoples Wagner is the perfect example of a leader paving the way for younger generations. 

Body positivity is never usually associated with fashion, but Peoples Wagner wants to change that. Her goal is to make inclusivity the norm and not just a trend. She believes a good color palette, inclusivity and bringing an element of surprise to a fashion show, fashion line or publication brings success.  

A sought-after speaker, Lindsay Peoples Wagner focuses on the intersection of the worlds of style, politics and culture. She is formerly the fashion editor at New York Magazine and The Cut, covering fashion and race, with the highly-acclaimed piece, Everywhere and Nowhere: What It's Like To Be Black and In Fashion.

+Learn More About Lindsay Peoples Wanger