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Dr. Molly  Maloof

Dr. Molly Maloof

Personalized Medicine, Health Optimization & Scientific Wellness Pioneer

Dr. Molly Maloof

Personalized Medicine, Health Optimization & Scientific Wellness Pioneer


Shaping the future of healthcare in her pioneering Silicon Valley medical practice and work with leading companies, Dr. Molly Maloof is on the cutting edge of using personalized medicine, medical technology, health optimization and scientific wellness to radically extend human healthspan. Dr. Molly’s bold vision includes making these practices more widely accessible as part of a U.S. healthcare system that is focused on improving health vs. waiting for chronic illness to develop. Unveiling the future of patient care with actionable insights on adopting the latest practices in personalized medicine, Dr. Molly challenges healthcare practitioners to re-think health and healthcare to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes. Her inspiring keynotes empower audiences to actively engage in their own health, prevent lifestyle related diseases, and achieve optimal wellness for themselves or their patients.

In her concierge practice, Dr. Molly provides health optimization and personalized medicine to high achieving entrepreneurs, investors and technology executives in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. Her rigorous, data-driven approaches include comprehensive testing of clinical chemistry, metabolomics, microbiome, biometrics and genomic markers to increase performance and lengthen healthspan — the number of years that we can lead healthy, happy lives without disease or disability. Because dietary risks and fitness are responsible for the majority of lifestyle-related illness, she has become passionate about promoting innovative solutions for personalized nutrition. Since 2012, she has also worked as an advisor or strategy consultant to more than 25 companies in the digital health and biotechnology industries. Additionally, Dr. Molly has advised food and nutrition companies including Mars, Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, Nature Made, Quaker, SomaWater, Red Bull and Thistle on health and human performance, with the goal of transforming our food system by improving corporate products. Dr. Molly has been invited to speak at numerous high profile conferences, including Wired Health, Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations and Digital Life Design (DLD). She is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Medicine and has held positions as Director of Clinical Strategy, Head of Medical Science, and Primary Investigator at leading San Francisco area health and medical technology firms. She is currently founding her first health technology company, and starting in April of 2019 she will be teaching a course on healthspan in the wellness department of the medical school at Stanford University.

Known for her unwavering mission to radically extend healthspan and maximize human performance, Dr. Molly is both a passionate evangelist, empowering advocate and visionary futurist. Her keynotes showcase the very latest advances in personalized medicine, medical technology, health optimization and scientific wellness. Audience leave with valuable knowledge that they can use to enhance their own health, personalize patient care, and be part of a larger movement to transform healthcare itself.

Speech Topics

Healthspan vs. Lifespan: It’s Time to Own Your Health

The average lifespan in the U.S. is 79.3 years, while the average healthspan — which Dr. Molly Maloof defines as the number of years that we can lead healthy, happy and productive lives free of disease and disability — is only 63.1 years. Today, almost every modern chronic disease is preventable with better self-care. Recent advances in medical science, process and technology mean that we can radically extend healthspan. But, as Dr. Molly evangelizes: Only if we actively engage with our own health. Sharing knowledge gained in her cutting edge health optimization medical practice and as physician to high-achieving Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, tech executives and investors, Dr. Molly walks audiences through the fundamentals of health optimization and scientific wellness with a focus on creating higher states of health for mind, body and spirit.

Health as a Movement: Going from Sick Care to Real Healthcare

According to Dr. Molly Maloof, our system is not a healthcare system at all. It’s a highly lucrative sick care system that is focused more on billing and coding for disease and managing illness rather than creating healthier people. Not surprisingly, nine out of ten MDs would not recommend their profession to others and 81% of doctors say they are over-extended or at full capacity. She believes we can transform medicine from a reactive, pharma- and surgical-based industry to a personalized, predictive and participatory practice. To do this, we need to create a new health care system that aims to give people real health, which she defines as "the ability to adapt and self-manage, in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges." In this big-picture presentation, Dr. Molly passionately challenges the systemic status quo, calling for a world where doctors prescribe exercise as medicine, food as medicine, apps and wearables as medicine, sleep as medicine, and the list goes on. Marshalling a movement for health that transforms the doctor-patient relationship, reduces the burden of chronic disease, saves society trillions of dollars and adds millions of healthy, vigorous individuals to the workforce; Dr. Molly calls on all of us to champion health and enable billions of people to live longer, more fulfilling and healthier lives.

The Future of Healthcare: Dr. Molly’s Visionary Perspective

Imagine a future where healthcare does not just treat disease but promotes health — the ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of adversity. A future where patients are continuously monitored and tested to predict and prevent chronic lifestyle-related illnesses, doctors and patients are partners in self-care, and aging is no longer an economic catastrophe. Comparing the reality of today with a future focus on health optimization and healthspan extension, Dr. Molly envisions a day when chronic disease is no longer our destiny and we can thrive until the end of our lives. Combining her pioneering expertise in health technologies, experience at the cutting edge of personalized medicine in Silicon Valley and love of innovation, Dr. Molly shares how more of us will be empowered to own our own health and practice data-driven self-care so that we can perform better, have greater wellbeing, and live a better quality of life for longer.

Live Better Longer: Enhancing Health Span for Longer Lifespan

Optimizing performance while managing a busy schedule is a constant battle for most college students. Teaching a new course within the Wellness Department of the School of Medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Molly Maloof uses her groundbreaking research on health optimization to help students gain a better understanding of social behaviors and available technology to support their health. Students will explore ideas and practices that extend health span, as well as the number of years we live free of disease or disability. Called a “life-changing” presentation by her students, Dr. Molly Maloof empowers audiences to enhance their ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of adversity for improved performance and health.