In Promises of Gold, a groundbreaking new collection of poems from award-winning spoken word artist José Olivarez, every kind of love is explored―self, brotherly, romantic, familial, cultural. Grappling with the contradictions of the American Dream with unflinching humanity, he lays bare the ways in which “love is complicated by forces larger than our hearts.”
In The News
The Latest Information on Speakers & Programming
Many of our speakers attribute their opportunities, successes and passion for change to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Founded during the height of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1965, APB is honored to have worked with Dr. King during his lifetime, as well as many other civil rights leaders that who shared his vision. Devoted to spreading positive messages about love and equality, our speakers have fought tirelessly to realize the vision of justice, equality and freedom for our country. During Black History Month, they all provide perspective on how far we have come and how far we have left to go:
Tara Schuster thought she was on stable ground. For years, she’d worked like hell to repair the emotional wounds inflicted during what she refers to as her “mess-wreck disaster” of a childhood. She’d brought radical healing rituals and self-love into her life. On most days, she was a happy, stable adult. She even wrote a book about it! But then she lost her job, the one on which she had staked her entire identity. Cue a panic-attack-doom-spiral that brought her harshest childhood traumas to the surface. Isolated at home during a global pandemic, she felt piercing loneliness and a lack of purpose like she had never known.
APB congratulates health expert Daniel E. Dawes J.D. on new position at Meharry Medical College. Stepping down from his role as Executive Director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute, he will lead Meharry’s exciting work for equity in healthcare.
APB speaker Harry Markopolos, the former securities industry executive who blew the whistle on Bernie Madoff and his $65 billion Ponzi scheme, is featured in the new Netflix documentary about the infamous financial scammer. MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street premiered Jan. 4. Markopolos appears in episodes three and four, as well as summarizes the financial fraud case at the end of the series. Madoff is already a top-rated documentary on the streaming platform.
Many of our speakers attribute their opportunities, successes and passion for change to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Founded during the height of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1965, APB is honored to have worked with Dr. King during his lifetime, as well as many other civil rights leaders who shared his vision. Devoted to spreading positive messages about love and equality, our speakers continue to honor Dr. King's legacy. Read their reflections below.
When it comes to planning an important event that will leave a lasting impression, we know how difficult finding the right speaker can be. In this new catalog, we have hand-selected some of our most requested voices for corporations, associations, government agencies, business forums and more. Delivering powerful presentations on a variety of topics, these compelling speakers challenge the status quo and help organizations continue to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
A feature film depicting the life of APB speaker Coach Keith Adams and his two sons has been greenlighted by MGM’s Orion Pictures. Adams, who is deaf, is a football coach for the California School for the Deaf, Riverside. Both of his sons play for the school. After seven losing seasons, his team—the only deaf school in the division—made it to the state championship in 2021, where they lost. In 2022, they won it all—beating the same team. It is the only deaf school to win the state championship.
Chronic, unmanaged stress—at work, at home, or in other areas of life—can lead to burnout. Dr. Eva Selhub, former medical director for the Benson Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine at Mass. General, is here to help. In her acclaimed new book, Burnout For Dummies, she shows you how to understand and overcome this all-to-common condition of modern life.
APB speaker and bestselling author Nora McInerny is on a mission: to help people stop trying to overachieve. It’s a lesson she learned the hard way. During six hellish weeks in 2014, McInerny miscarried her second baby, lost her dad to cancer and became a widow at age 31 when her husband died from brain cancer. It taught her what’s important—and it’s not trying to be perfect for anyone.