Tom Goodwin
CEO, Author, Speaker & Television Host
Tom Goodwin
CEO, Author, Speaker & Television Host
Tom Goodwin is a globally renowned business transformation thought leader, recognized as the four-time #1 "Voice in Marketing" on LinkedIn with over 730,000 engaged followers.
He is a respected industry contributor and provocateur with over 600 published articles in The New York Times, Forbes, The World Economic Forum, Wired, Inc, and TechCrunch to name a few.
His extensive career in creative, PR, digital, and media agencies, and more recently being an author and TV host, mean that Tom has travelled the world, interviewed people across sectors, and studied the latest data to report on what technology is and isn’t changing the world and what matters for the future.
He is the founder and CEO of 'All We Have Is Now,' a leading digital business transformation consultancy that empowers organizations to leverage new technologies for success.
Speaker Videos
2019 advertising trends
Advertising for the post digital age: IAB Engage 2018
AANA presents RESET 2017: Tom Goodwin, "From AI to Voice Interfaces and Big Data to Me Data"
Speech Topics
Rethinking Your Business Around AI
AI is such a profound and exciting toolkit of technologies that it’s easy to use it wrong.
AI is the hot new thing and it’s likely to be used poorly for years. It will be first used to lubricate old processes, to speed up things that shouldn’t even be done. It will be applied at the edge of a company in select places and to do small tactical things. It will end up changing little and feeling like a gimmick.
We need to use AI in bold, ambitious and empathetic ways to rethink our core business proposition.
In this session, Tom explores questions like:
- What can tech do to make things easier? How should it be used?
- How does AI change the way customers and consumers behave, what new threats and opportunities does this create?
- What can you do that you did not do before, because it was too slow, hard, expensive?
- What new structures and workflows make sense?
- What can you now get people to do more of?
- What tools should you use?
- How can AI change the way you train talent? What domains are priorities for AI? What should be ignored?
Above all else, AI can now be used to accomplish things that were not possible before, we help ideate new products, services and offerings around this.
Transforming Your Business in 2024: Navigate the Hype
A provocative presentation that outlines and simplifies key themes and trends of vital significance to leaders.
We are in a time of seemingly constant change, uncertainty, volatility, and confusion, not least because every technological trend out there is labelled the next big thing.
There are a handful of new technologies that change how we think and are so profound we shouldn’t add them to what we do, instead we should rethink what we do and how, around them.
In this 50-minute custom session, Goodwin presents insights and offers clarity on the new realities of business, contextualized by the macroeconomic climate, new consumer behaviors, and new technology trends.
This bespoke presentation and Q&A session can cover elements such as blockchain, quantum computing, A.I., the implications of 5G, cryptocurrency, voice interfaces, advanced robotics, and drones. It also considers the growth of marketplaces, the rise of eCommerce, open ecosystems, changing regulations, and more.
The key to technology is never what it is, but how deeply it’s applied, how well integrated it is.
Building A Culture of Innovation
In his ongoing research on the world’s most innovative companies, this is a clear and concise presentation looking at culture. What has propelled you and your company to succeed so far may not be what's needed to thrive in the future. In a world of thrusting startups and the loss of the incumbents' advantages, what’s needed is a new mindset for growth and change.
Yet equally, the values your company was built upon, the qualities it embodies, the strengths your people channel on a daily basis, can be precisely what needs to be reinforced in order to stand out and make an impact.
Building your culture—and meaningfully aligning it internally and externally—is the most important way to create a platform for the future; this presentation explains how.
Customer Experience Transformation
The power of more personal screens, more data, richer interactions and Artificial Intelligence provides us with a radical new canvas to rethink CX around.
The real power of digital transformation isn’t to improve what you’ve done before but rethink around the newly possible. Recent advances make this moment a time to leapfrog ahead of your customers, by an in-depth change to how your company sees, understands, sells to, and serves it’s customers.
This is an entertaining and inspiring deep dive into how companies need to reorganise around richer customer insights, how they need to use empathy and imagination to better connect with people. From loyalty programs to customer service training, to better workflows, to new data strategies.
What happens when we build with more ambition , more empathy and more imagination for greater future growth? You will leave with practical tips and strategies that you can implement right away to enhance your customers' experience and increase your bottom line.
Future of Retail
This presentation provides a comprehensive look at the altered retail environment of the post-pandemic world. It focuses on new consumer behaviors and new business models that are here today and highlights key trends for the medium-term future.
This is an entertaining and inspiring deep dive into what matters most in the world of retail. Retail is changing,’ how people buy, why they buy, how things are made, are all undergoing radical change that brings to light the huge possibilities that await those who are more ambitious.
Themes explored can include disintermediation, shoppable media, personalization, influencer commerce, the implications of voice interfaces and automation, and more, depending on specific needs.
So far the first wave of eCom was to take the products, structures, workflows, packaging and business models of the pre-digital age and augment them with new technology
What happens when we build with more ambition, more empathy and more imagination for greater future growth?
Future of Finance
Technology has profound implications for many markets; it changes the paradigms upon which financial products, experiences, and regulations have been based, alters our perception of competitive threats, and it transforms our understanding of consumer behaviors. It also opens up radically new possibilities for the years ahead and a range of opportunities to tap into now.
From insurance to lending to digital wallets and beyond, players across all aspects of finance are set to be transformed by a new technology, an altered regulation, and a range of new consumer behaviors.
Goodwin covers how trends such as API-based thinking, blockchain, emerging tech, and the no-code movement are shaping your future, what your strengths are in the current landscape, and what can be done to increase your impact immediately.