Amy Myers Jaffe
Oil, Energy & Sustainability Expert
Amy Myers Jaffe
Oil, Energy & Sustainability Expert
Amy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on global energy policy, energy and sustainability, and geopolitical risk. She is a research professor and Managing Director of the Climate Policy Lab at Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Prior to joining Tufts Fletcher School, Jaffe was the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment and Director of the Program on Energy Security and Climate Change. Jaffe also has served as the executive director for Energy and Sustainability at the University of California Davis and as senior advisor to the Office of the Chief Investment Officer of the University California Regents. Jaffe is currently co-chair of the steering committee of the Women in Energy Initiative at the Center for Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. She has taught energy policy, business and sustainability courses at Rice University, UC Davis and Yale University.
Prior to joining UC Davis, Jaffe served as founding director of the Baker Institute Energy Forum (now called the Center for Energy Studies) and Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies at Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. A frequent media commentator and former journalist, Jaffe's research focuses on oil and natural gas geopolitics, corporate investment strategies in the energy sector, sustainability and energy, and energy economics. She was formerly senior editor and Middle East analyst for Petroleum Intelligence Weekly. Jaffe is widely published, including as co-author of Oil, Dollars, Debt and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold with Mahmoud El-Gamal and co-editor of Natural Gas and Geopolitics From 1970 to 2040.
As an energy consultant, Jaffe is a frequent keynote speaker at major energy industry and investment conferences and at board meetings of financial firms, energy companies and environmental NGOs. Jaffe is a widely quoted commentator on oil, energy policy, and sustainability in the international media appearing regularly on a variety of television and print media, including CNN, PBS News Hour, Fox, National Public Radio, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, the New York Times and The Economist Magazine, Axios and Politico. Her writings have been featured by the New York Times, Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones International, and Petroleum Intelligence Weekly. She has a regular blog called Energy “RealPolitik” at the CFR.org and is a frequent contributor to the Gray Matters column at the Houston Chronicle.
Jaffe was awarded the Senior Fellow Award from the U.S. Association for Energy Economics in 2015 for her career contribution to the organization and to the field of energy economics. The Baker Institute Energy Forum, which she was the founding director for 17 years, received the prestigious Adelman-Frankel award for its unique and innovative contribution to the field of energy economics. Jaffe was honoree to Esquire's 100 Best and Brightest Award for Contribution to Society in 2005 and Elle Magazine's Women for the Environment (2006).
Speaker Videos
Energy Independence
on Making Climate Friendly Choices
The Potential for More U.S. Oil Production
Oil Price & Geopolicy
TEDTalk: Energy Policy