Amanda Griscom Little
Amanda Griscom Little
Amanda Griscom Little has been reporting and commenting on the changing environmental landscape for over a decade. From 2003-2007 she wrote “Muckraker,” the award-winning syndicated weekly column on energy and environmental policy for Salon.com and Grist.org. She is a contributing editor at Outside magazine, where she writes "Code Green," a monthly column on the people, products and ideas that are giving rise to the new green movement. An Aspen Institute Ideas Fellow, she is currently writing Power Trip, a journey through America’s energy past, present and future. Due out January 2009, it will chronicle how energy built the American superpower and now poses its gravest threat—and biggest opportunity.
Little also publishes syndicated monthly interviews with environmental luminaries on MSNBC.com and Grist.org. She has interviewed the 2008 presidential candidates – Democrats and Republicans—on their energy and environmental platforms. She has also interviewed other political leaders including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and business leaders including General Electric’s Jeff Immelt, Wal-Mart’s H. Lee Scott, and NewsCorp’s Rupert Murdoch. Her celebrity interviews include Larry David, Robert Redford and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Little's articles on energy and the environment have been published in The New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Wired, New York Magazine, Men's Journal, and The Washington Post. She has lectured frequently on her subject matter to audiences young and old. She has also appeared on numerous radio shows, including NPR's Marketplace and WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show, and appears as an expert in e2, a 6-part PBS series on energy and the environment, currently airing.
Little began her career as a founding editor of Feed, the first online magazine, which was launched in 1996. She then created and wrote a column for The Village Voice called "Urban Upgrade," which examined the technological improvements in New York City's institutions and infrastructure. She is the recipient of the Jane Bagley Lehman Award for excellence in environmental journalism.
Speech Topics
Green 2.0: Growing a Universal Environmental Movement
How new developments in the frontiers of business, politics, youth culture, and labor are rebuilding the environmental movement from the ground up.
Climate Kids: The Birth of the First the “Green Generation”
How climate change is becoming the greatest economic, political and moral challenge for today's youth, and students are flocking to the cause.
The First Green President
Who among the 2008 Presidential candidates has the strongest record and vision for solving climate change and building a clean, green economy?
Green Media
The shifting landscape of environmental reporting and story-telling in the age of the climate crisis.