Lela Lee
Actress / Creator of Angry Little Asian Girl
Lela Lee
Actress / Creator of Angry Little Asian Girl
Lela Lee is a cartoonist, writer and actress whose experiences as a woman of color and as a child of immigrants in America intersect to create an identity that is layered by race, gender, culture, and traditions old and new. Her work often investigates where a collective culture creates contradictions with the new generation who want to individuate but still belong. During her freshman year of college, Lela had no idea what her major would be, but someone wise advised her to take any class that interested her. Her first year at UC Berkeley was a smorgasbord of classes; from Asian American Studies to Women’s Studies to Drama 101 to a video class she took for no credit on Tuesday nights all informed Lela to create a little video called “The Angry Little Asian Girl.” This video was cobbled together with her rudimentary editing skills but after viewing the completed episode, Lela hid it in a drawer because good Asian girls are shunned and scolded for being angry.
After graduating college in 1996, familial obligation brought her back to work at her parents’ dry cleaners where she had worked many summers and after school. The middle of the workday was the slowest, so she began to doodle and write again to pass the time. It was during this time that Lela drew four more episodes. She submitted her shorts to the American Cinemateque who screened her shorts for the first time in 1998. Critics from the LA Times and LA Weekly gave “The Angry Little Asian Girl” glowing reviews and soon people began asking to read comics that did not yet exist. Because of this suggestion, Lela taught herself how to draw comics and a website was launched as a self-publishing platform. The site became a destination for young adults to read comics about gender and race. Studios invited Lela to meet with them, but a TV executive asked Lela to take the Asian girl out, another told her there was no market for Asians. Angered by the feedback, she made a goal to publish a book of her comics so that her characters would be beloved and well-known by her fans, making it so no studio would ask her to change her characters again. She sold t-shirts out of the trunk of her car and met enough women to know that many women harbored angry sentiments. In 2000 "Angry Little Girls" became the umbrella name for the weekly self-published comic strip. During this time, Lela also became a working actress, landing small parts on shows such as Friends, Will and Grace, recurred on Scrubs, guest starred on Grey’s Anatomy, Shameless and Better Call Saul and was a series regular on the show Tremors.
Then finally, after many years of rejections, the first "Angry Little Girls" book was published in April 2005 and two months later, it was in its' fourth printing. Six more books were published and translated into Korean, French, and German and the products were sold into malls all over the US and abroad.
Speech Topics
Cultural Switching & Gender Judo, the Double Burden Asian Women Face in the Workplace
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