Peggy Orenstein
New York Times Best Selling Author
Peggy Orenstein
New York Times Best Selling Author
Peggy Orenstein is an internationally-acclaimed expert on the challenges facing teens, college students--and their parents--as they come of age in today’s culture, She is the author of the New York Times best-sellers Boys & Sex, Girls & Sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter and Waiting for Daisy as well as Don’t Call Me Princess, Flux and the classic SchoolGirls. A contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, Peggy has also written for such publications as The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, New York Magazine, The Atlantic and The New Yorker, and has contributed commentaries to NPR’s All Things Considered.
Peggy is frequently sought-after as an expert by national media and has been featured on, among other programs, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Today Show, Morning Joe, NPR’s Fresh Air and The PBS News Hour. Her TED Talk, “What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure,” has been viewed over 4.6 million times.
As a speaker, Peggy is known for her provocative insight, conversational style and surprising wit. Her fresh take on such topics as sexual consent, ethics and pleasure; the influences of mainstream media, social media and pornography; the rise of hookup culture; sexual consent; and gender socialization have made her a sought-after speaker on high school and college campuses as well as at professional conferences. She has spoken to audience throughout the U.S. and abroad including at numerous high schools; colleges; medical schools; conferences such as TED, South by Southwest, The Aspen Institute and the White House (Obama administration).
Speaker Videos
TED: What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure
How to Guide Teen Girls Through Love and Relationship | CBS This Morning
The Messages We Teach Boys About Sex | Amanpour and Company
Boys & Sex
Speech Topics
Girls & Sex: Navigating a Complicated New Landscape
Inspired by her New York Times best-seller, Girls & Sex, Orenstein here offers a clear-eyed picture of the new sexual landscape girls face in high school through college and reveals how they’re negotiating it. With humor, surprising facts and compelling anecdotes, she opens up a much-needed conversation about an often silent subtext of teenage life, touching on the ways in which internet porn, social media and traditional media affect young people’s sexual scripts; the role of hookup culture; how what “counts” as sex has changed; the painful realities surrounding assault; consent education; and taboos around discussing female sexual pleasure (and why that endangers girls). This talk can be tailored for parents, professional groups (conferences, corporate, therapists, educators etc.), college students or high school students (15+). While its main subject is girls, the subject matter has been enthusiastically received by boys as well!
Boys & Sex: Hookup Culture, Love, Porn, Consent & Becoming a Better Man
Boys are subject to the same cultural forces as girls—steeped in the same distorted media images of female sexual availability and male sexual entitlement—which affect how they navigate sexual and emotional relationships. Based on over a decade of research and inspired by her New York Times best-seller Boys & Sex, Orenstein, in this talk, focuses on her work with high school and college guys, revealing how they understand and negotiate the new rules of physical and emotional intimacy in a changing world. Combining research, wit and powerful stories Orenstein explains boys’ emotional development; how pornography has become the default sex educator; young men’s understanding of hookup culture and consent; the surprising lessons to be learned from queer boys; and young men's experience as both victims and perpetrators of sexual violence. The result is a provocative and paradigm-shifting talk that offers a much-needed vision of how boys can truly move forward as their best selves. This talk can be tailored for parents, professional groups (conferences, corporate, therapists, educators etc.), college students or high school students (15+). While its main subject is boys, the subject matter has been enthusiastically received by girls as well!
Let’s Talk About Sex: How a New Generation Navigates Hookups, Porn, Love & Consent
In this talk, Orenstein combines her research with voices of both boys and girls (as well as those between or beyond genders), to discuss the impact on high school and college students’ sexual scripts of mainstream media, social media and porn; hookup culture; changing expectations around consent; the politics of sexual pleasure; the diversity of sexual orientations; gendered power dynamics. With humor and compassion, she separates myth from reality, ultimately giving parents, educators and young people the conversational tools they need to ensure safe, pleasurable, mutually satisfying sexual encounters and intimate relationships.
Books & Media
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape
Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture
Schoolgirls; Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap
Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids and Life in a Half-Changed World