Philonise Floyd
Brother of George Floyd & Activist
Philonise Floyd
Brother of George Floyd & Activist
On June 20, 1981, Philonise O’Neil Floyd, was the fourth child born to the late, Mrs. Larcenia “Ms. Cissy” Jones on Fort Hood army base. Raised in the Third Ward area of Houston, Texas. He attended Jack Yates High School and Texas Southern University pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice. In 2014, Floyd started his professional driving career with C. R. England one of the nation’s largest refrigerated carriers; later accepted a position with W. M. Dewy and Son, Inc. hauling custom pipes to their specific destinations. On May 26, 2020, Floyd learned that his older brother, George “Perry” Floyd, Jr. had been murdered by four police officers in Minneapolis after a store clerk alleged that he passed a counterfeit $20 bill. The world watched as named officer, Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
Across the United States and internationally, George’s death sparked a world-wide outpour of protests against police brutality, especially toward black people. The day after laying George to rest, June 10, 2020 Philonise testified before United States Congress urging them to “Do the right thing” by passing the Justice in Police Act of 2020 baring choke holds, creating a registry to track officers with serious misconduct records, and lift certain legal protections that now makes it hard to go after officers in court for using excessive force.
Philonise’s life as a professional transporter drastically changed forever. Floyd vowed that George’s death would not be in vain, another hashtag on a t-shirt and begun to tirelessly advocate to change systematic racism and the challenges faced due to police injustice that has for over 400 years led to the harassment and killing of African Americans at the hands of police.
The Philonise and Keeta Floyd Institute for Social Change key principals are to advocate for all children, young-adults, and families nation-wide by actively working to eliminate the daily impacts of police brutality, criminal justice reform and systemic racism. We aim to find solutions to the countless challenges and pressing issues faced through injustice. We believe that by actively working in communities to design innovative programs to eliminate the ongoing barriers faced due to social issues. We will work diligently alongside city, and state government officials helping to look at interventions that can lead to long-term, sustainability. Cultivating public policies, diversity, equality and to launching a bold social research program. We promote transparency and are globally committed to influence change and put an end to this generational fight for inclusion. This is a movement, and not a moment in time!
The mission of The Philonise and Keeta Floyd Institute for Social Change is to advance awareness, advocacy and promote stability within global communities to support the protection of human rights through a commitment to social justice, equity-focused reforms, and eradicating systemic racism. We have turned our pain into action.
The Philonise and Keeta Floyd Institute focuses on:
- Eliminating Police Brutality
- Criminal Justice Reform
- Mental Health Advocacy
- Youth Enrichment Programs/K-12 and Collegiate Educational Partnerships
- Experiential Learning
- Men/Women Empowerment Programs
- Human Trafficking
- Community Engagement
- Institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion (Racism)
Speaker Videos
George Floyd’s Murder One Year Later | CNN
On Social Justice Reform