APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency

'Fast Company' Features Entrepreneurial Advice from APB Speaker Troy Carter

02 Nov 2015

How did APB speaker Troy Carter become the renowned talent manager and successful startup investor he is today? By committing himself to innovation and staying ahead of the game through passion and hard work. Fast Company recently highlighted Carter’s work, showcasing his impressive entrepreneurial skills as well as his knack for discovering and nurturing sensational talent.

Some advice he offers in his feature article includes:

"Be clear in your vision, be clear in the problems that you're solving, and also show why you're the person that's going to be qualified to take the market or beat an incumbent."

"Do the work…You can't dream your way out of a problem…You've got to actually put rubber on the road and do the work."

“You can't just talk about it. You can't be philosophical about it. You have to get the physical work in."

"Whether it's our relationship with the beauty industry, whether it's the relationship with sports or broader entertainment—I think that broad network…is very beneficial to young startups looking to launch or expand on their brand."

+Read the full article here.

No matter the industry or venture, tips to problem solve and build a company capable of reaching its greatest potential are crucial to have in your toolbox. Troy Carter is an expert on developing connections that matter along with paving paths for stronger success. In his future-forward speeches, Carter lays out the finer points of beats, bytes and big ideas, among which are the most compelling in business today.