Statement from APB Speaker Angel Colon on the Tragic Las Vegas Shooting
02 Oct 2017

On October 1, 2017, over 55 people were killed and over 500 people were injured by a gunman in Las Vegas, making it the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history. On June 16, 2016, 49 people were killed and dozens were wounded at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. APB speaker and Pulse Nightclub survivor Angel Colon recently made a statement regarding these devastating patterns of mass shootings:
“Last night, October 1, 2017, is another sad day in history. It is now the biggest U.S. mass shooting. As a survivor of another historic shooting, being surrounded by friends, family, love and prayers is what helped me push through. Let's do the same for the victims and the families of the Las Vegas Strip shooting. Let's be united and spread our love, hope and positivity. Hate is big in this world but our love is greater. We love you Las Vegas.”
Since surviving the Pulse Nightclub attack, Colon continues to celebrate courageous fellow survivors, valiant first responders and remembers and reflects on those who lost their lives. Using his voice to spread a message of hope, forgiveness and love to audiences nationwide, he advocates for embracing diversity, respecting differences and rising above in times of trouble.