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Regina Holliday Highlights Patients' Struggle with Medical Records on NBC

22 Oct 2018

Regina Holliday Highlights Patients' Struggle with Medical Records on NBC

A study published earlier this month details the struggles that many patients and family members face when trying to gain access to medical records. APB speaker Regina Holliday is no stranger to this growing issue. Featured on NBC, Holliday shared the story of her late husband, Fredrick, and his devastating battle with kidney cancer in 2009 after receiving medical care that was less than satisfactory. 

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Since experiencing firsthand how difficult and complicated it was to access her husband's medical records, Holliday has become a passionate advocate for improving the patient experience. Continuing her advocacy through art, she also started The Walking Gallery movement, where more than 400 volunteer members don business suits or blazers painted with either their story, their loved one’s story, or their mission within healthcare. The paintings help to convey the fact that the people wearing them are living, breathing examples of patients impacted by healthcare decisions, as opposed to just a statistical number. Holliday’s jacket paintings depicting the patient story have been covered in such publications as The Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

+Learn More About Regina Holliday & The Walking Gallery