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Kyle & Brent  Pease

Kyle & Brent Pease

Ironman Champion Triathletes

Kyle & Brent Pease

Ironman Champion Triathletes


Diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a child, Kyle Pease had grown up supporting his athlete brothers Brent and Evan from the sidelines. While his condition limited his ability to play sports, it didn’t dampen Kyle’s passion for them, nor did it stop the Pease family from including Kyle in everything. Neither he nor his family treated his disability like a tragedy, and instead used it to fuel his dreams and spirit; from rolling his wheelchair up Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite National Park to zipping down snow-covered Colorado slopes, there was never a dull moment with the Pease family. Where there was a wheel, there was a way - to adventure!

Upon witnessing Brent complete his first IRONMAN competition, Kyle asked Brent a life-changing question: “Can people in wheelchairs do IRONMAN?”. Brent never hesitated with his response; the answer was a resounding “YES!”. Who would ever have imagined that a man who has never taken a step under his own power would be blessed with the opportunity to compete in a sport that is defined as “three-part sports discipline comprising swimming, cycling, and running”? You’ve never met Kyle Pease (or a Pease brother) then!

Starting from scratch with no running chair, learning from others, and through trial and error and a ton of hard work, Kyle and Brent Pease have since completed more than 75 races together, including four IRONMAN triathlons and countless other endurance races. Finally, after years of hearing “NO” from their KONA applications, they were awarded the opportunity to participate in the 2018 IRONMAN World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. This is historic, as they are the first ever set of brothers and the second ever “push-assist team” to compete in the iconic KONA triathlon.

Brent and Kyle speak to audiences across the nation, sharing their message of inclusion and define what is truly possible. Their presentations interweave both their perspectives of PEASY life and their KONA quest, and Kyle and Brent recount the experiences that shaped the undying bond that has resonated between them since childhood; through their strength and tenacity audiences are inspired to stand up, face their own challenges and embrace change. Their motivational message and humble style can show audiences ways to continually challenge themselves and build the life they dream of.

As well as being avid racers, they also founded and manage The Kyle Pease Foundation; for many years the foundation has empowered athletes with disabilities to compete in the multi-sport and endurance world, and promotes success for young persons with disabilities by providing assistance to meet their individual needs through sports and competition. 

Since its inception, it has championed more than 100 athletes across 60 events and has multiple programs including grant and scholarship opportunities, assistance purchasing adaptive sports equipment, and participation in educational campaigns.

Speaker Videos

2023 Pease Brothers Sizzle Reel

Brent and Kyle Pease | A Story of Two Brothers

A Day in the Life of Kyle Pease

Brothers conquer Ironman triathlons together despite one's cerebral palsy

2017 IRONMAN Boulder: The Pease Brothers

Speech Topics

Find Your Finish

This engaging keynote takes audiences to a whole new outlook on their lives, helping them realize that finding their finish is possible despite whatever challenges lie ahead.

This amazing journey started when Kyle watched his brother finish the Louisville triathlon. He counts it as “one of the most transformative moments in [his] life.” Kyle asked his brother “Can people in wheelchairs do IRONMAN?”. Brent never hesitated with his response; the answer was a resounding “YES!”. Even though finishing an IRONMAN was something that had never before crossed his mind, from that day forward Kyle wanted in.

Allow America's most highly recognized team of brother/brother triathletes take you on their journey from their first race, through the multiple “NOs”, to the final “YES” from KONA, getting to the start line, the ups and downs to the finish line, and beyond. Throughout this inspiring keynote the Pease brothers provide a glimpse behind the scenes of the different challenges they faced and overcame to find their finish at the Ironman World Championships in Kona Hawaii.

Attendees will:

  • Define what their personal finish line is, what it looks like, and be inspired and motivated to pursue it!
  • Understand how the path to success is often the same, regardless of the goal that is being pursued.
  • Recognize that when they have a goal and they remove themselves from “it” then they can find their own personal finish.
  • Show that anything is truly possible when they believe and set their mind to it.
  • Clarify what success looks like to them and how to keep their focus, determination, and spirit as the keys to achieving it.

Kyle and Brent Pease, two brothers with an indelible bond, tap into the soul of the individual, helping each person to believe that anything is possible; they show us all what the power of the human spirit is all about. 

Follow their journey, start yours, and come away inspired.

Together We Wheel

From the very beginning, the Pease family found a way to include each family member in everything they did. "When there is a wheel there is a way" was the family motto, and “Together We Wheel!”; was their battle cry.

In this heartfelt keynote the Pease brothers entertain audiences with stories about growing up Peasey, and how it meant living a life of doing all within your power to succeed, and to also ensure that no single person is ever left on the sidelines. They show attendees the profound ways a family proved that by illuminating and including individuals with disabilities they were able to find and reveal who they truly are.

Through the Pease brothers’ unbreakable bond, they show us how individual and team focus, determination, and spirit are the keys to achieving and accomplishing feats others might say are impossible. Their incredibly inspirational story of brotherly love and desire for inclusion will instill hope and provide guidance for corporations, students, educators, faith-based groups, athletes, moms, dads, and special needs’ individuals. There is a powerful message for all that is applicable to so many facets of life.

Audiences members will:

  • Be motivated to think of ways to include themselves or their team in all aspects of life
  • Find ways to overcome challenges and embrace the knowledge that "When there is a wheel there is a way"
  • Be inspired & learn to understand what is truly possible and to find their own way to overcome obstacles!
  • To find opportunity in every challenge, while instilling hope and empowering leaders to motivate others to create positive change.
  • To put into perspective the challenges we think are so overwhelming.
  • To give them a unique perspective on perseverance and challenging
  • Envision their success and how it translates to real life day-to-day activities.
  • Leave with pertinent life lessons they can apply to redefine what their possible is.


Books & Media


Beyond the Finish