APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency
Nicole  Kalil

Nicole Kalil

Leadership & Confidence Speaker

Nicole Kalil

Leadership & Confidence Speaker


Nicole’s passion for eliminating gender expectations and redefining “Woman’s Work” is both what keeps her up at night, and what gets her up in the morning. Well, that, and an abundant amount of coffee.

An in-demand speaker, author of Validation is For Parking, respected coach and host of the top 1% globally downloaded podcast This Is Woman’s Work, her stalker-like obsession with confidence sets her apart from the constant stream of experts telling us to BE confident. She actually shares HOW you build it and gives actionable tools you can implement immediately. 

A fugitive of the C-suite at a Fortune 100 company, Nicole has coached hundreds of leaders and entrepreneurs, gaining rare insights into what’s structurally, systemically and socially working (or not working) in organizations. Her journey provides a unique perspective on how we can redefine leadership, success, and confidence. 

Maintaining some semblance of sanity in her different roles of wife, mother and business owner is an ongoing challenge…in whatever free time she has, she enjoys reading and wine guzzling, is an avid cheese enthusiast, a hotel snob and a reluctant Peloton rider.

Speaker Videos

Sizzle Reel

The 3 Tip Bit

Working With Business Owners to Empower Female Leadership

Speech Topics

The “Not-so-Secret” Secrets of Confidence

Too many people believe that confidence is either something you have, or you don’t. It’s viewed as a fixed character trait rather than what it is: a skill that can be developed. What would you do with more confidence? Who would you be? You can change the trajectory of your life, the decisions you make, the risks you take, and the dreams you chase… all with a little more confidence.

So how do you build your confidence? What’s the secret?

Understanding both what strengthens confidence, and what chips away at it, is key. Everyone wants to feel confident, there’s a constant stream of experts telling us to be confident, but nobody tells us HOW to build it. That changes now.

In Nicole's workshop, you will:

  • Blast thru 5 limiting beliefs and confidence “derailers”
  • Create a deeper connection to the first anchor of confidence: knowing who you are
  • Learn the “secrets” that will have you exponentially expand your confidence right there in the room

Choice Management

We are constantly trying to fit more into our days, fighting against conflicting priorities, and feeling pressured, overwhelmed, and exhausted in our daily lives. Do you feel like you’re running on fumes? Are guilt, pressure, and stress running your show? Nicole’s unique perspective will bust up the time management and work/life balance myths and leave you feeling back in control. Having been at the executive level at a Fortune 100 company, a business owner of a start-up, a wife, and a mom, Nicole provides relevant and applicable ideas, such as:

  • Reframe time management – no matter how busy – as Choice Management, putting you back in the driver’s seat
  • Learn Nicole’s proven method for Designing your Life and Creating Partnerships
  • Identify and communicate your boundaries from a position of power


This One Is For The Ladies: Powerful Feminine Leadership

Are you bringing your authentic self, your unique talents and gifts, to work? Or is only a partial, reduced, or watered down version of you showing up at the office? Leadership has been defined by many different people, in many different ways… but, ladies, what’s currently missing is US! If your organization has yet to see the power of YOU, it’s time to unleash your potential.

Sharing her passion for women in leadership and business, Nicole will reveal the difference makers for the hundreds of professional women she’s coached:

  • How to play to YOUR strengths… and leverage your differences
  • Leading like a woman, risking like a man
  • Create a firm trust in yourself and your feminine gifts

This One Is For the Gentlemen: Empowering Feminine Leadership

It’s no secret that organizations that have women in top level leadership positions out-perform those that don’t. Whether you care about developing women because you believe it’s the right thing to do, or because it’s a smart business decision (or both), it can be a challenge to bridge your intentions and your actions. So how do you recognize, develop, and empower the feminine leadership around you?


  • Create an environment where women share their unique talents, strengths and gifts
  • Become an Executive Ally
  • Build well-rounded, effective, and productive teams that will boost organizational results to the next level

Navigating Change: Take the fear out of change… it doesn’t have to be scary!

There are changes that you choose and there are changes that choose you… and change is happening at a faster rate than ever before. We’ve become conditioned to fear, ignore, and avoid change, keeping us in our comfort zones, while also limiting our opportunities for growth, joy, and abundance.


  • It’s counter-intuitive… learn to lean into change, embrace it and use it to grow
  • Fail forward – how to make your failures into your fuel
  • Find your courage… ACT in the face of fear, and build resilience