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Speaker Mike Chinoy Breaks Down the ‘Catastrophe on the Korean Peninsula’

15 Aug 2017

Mike Chinoy weighs in on the US & Korea

Where does the U.S. stand in regards to North Korea? Speaker Mike Chinoy breaks it down for us in his recent article for The Cipher Brief. In his piece, "Gambling with Catastrophe on the Korean Peninsula," Chinoy outlines how foreign policy regarding North Korea has changed and where the major players in Washington believe it is going.

“Indeed, lost among the dramatic headlines of the past couple of weeks have been some intriguing signs that the Trump administration may still be open to some kind of diplomacy,” writes Chinoy, explaining the confusion that remains in numerous articles about U.S.-North Korea relations. Chinoy outlines how policy with North Korea has shifted, what foreign policy experts believe the next plan of action should be and how it impacts other U.S. foreign policies such as the nuclear deal with Iran.

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The former CNN Asia Correspondent and current Senior Fellow at the U.S.-China Institute at USC, Mike Chinoy is an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. A sought-after speaker on foreign relations, Chinoy expands on his article in his talks as he discusses how the Trump Administration may alter foreign relations, North Korea’s current role in the world and China’s growing role as dominant global power.

+Learn More About Mike Chinoy