Legendary Journalists Woodward & Bernstein See Presidential Parallels
01 Mar 2018

Drawing parallels between Watergate and today’s Russia Investigation, legendary reporting team Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein recently reunited in the media to raise concerns. “We’re here again,” the co-authors of the Pulitzer Prize-winning All the President’s Men and The Final Days wrote in The Washington Post. “A powerful and determined president is squaring off against an independent investigator inside the Justice Department...” Woodward and Bernstein’s impactful reunion in The Post and on CNN motivated APB's CEO and Founder Robert P. Walker to bring their insights to the speaking stage as well. “You know you’re at a pivotal moment when Woodward and Bernstein join together again to raise alarm,” says Walker. “Seeing them live, on stage, in-depth and interacting with each other and the audience is an experience that goes beyond any other—it’s truly being a part of history.”
Woodward and Bernstein broke the Watergate story for The Washington Post in the early 1970s, leading to the indictments of 40 White House and administration officials and the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Their work set the standard for modern investigative reporting, with both being awarded the Pulitzer Prize. In the years following, both have continued to focus on the themes of Watergate, including secret government, abuses of power and the role of the press. Woodward is an associate editor at The Washington Post and the author or co-author of 18 best-selling books. He is currently working on a book about President Trump. Bernstein is a CNN analyst, contributor to Vanity Fair magazine, and the author or co-author of five best-selling books. He is currently at work on several multimedia projects, including a TV series for HBO.