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Chris Hughes’ New Book "Fair Shot" Rethinks Our Economy

22 Feb 2018

Chris Hughes’ New Book "Fair Shot" Rethinks Our Economy

Known for co-founding Facebook and the Economic Security Project, APB speaker Chris Hughes recently released his highly anticipated book, Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn. Advocating for a form of basic income that would pull Americans out of poverty, Hughes explains “that the same forces that allowed for Facebook to control 80% of the world’s social media traffic are not dissimilar with those that allow 160,000 American families to control as much wealth as the bottom 90% of the income scale.” (FAST COMPANY)

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Passionate about bridging the income gap in order to end poverty, Hughes examines how we earn in modern America, how we can combat income inequality and, ultimately, how we can give everyone a fair shot.

+Learn More About Chris Hughes