June 3rd Marks National Cancer Survivors Day, A Celebration of Life
01 May 2018

Every year, on the first Sunday of June, National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated across America in recognition and support of those affected by cancer. APB speakers like Samantha Harris, Dave DeBronkart and Kelly Corrigan have all battled and beat this terrible disease. Hear what these incredibly inspiring survivors had to say about their experiences:
SAMANTHA HARRIS | Emmy-Winning TV Host
“It’s not just about surviving. It’s about thriving. Building resiliency. Finding #YourHealthiestHealthy. We CAN do this.” VIEW PROFILE>
DAVE DEBRONKART | “e-Patient Dave”
"A near-death cancer can change your life—in more ways than one. A career in high-tech innovation prepared me to see that what's possible in healthcare has changed because of the internet and digital tools. Today, it's clear that the best possible outcome can ONLY come from patients stepping up and doing everything in their power to help medicine achieve its potential—and the best doctors will welcome it." VIEW PROFILE>
KELLY CORRIGAN | Best-Selling Author, Breast Cancer Survivor & Host of Exactly
“There’s no news that beats this news: people survive cancer. All the time. How? The ingenuity of science combined with the dogged, irrepressible pursuit of health by cancer patients all over the United States. These stories we must share." VIEW PROFILE>