Dynamic Speakers for AIDS Awareness Month
20 Nov 2018

December 1st kicks off AIDS Awareness Month with World AIDS Day. Leading up to the month of December was the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk was an important leader in the gay community and had a historic impact on the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Many notable LGBTQ+ rights activists, such as his close friend Cleve Jones, were inspired by Milk’s legacy and motivated to fight even harder after his untimely death. APB’s wide array of speakers can help you and your audience get educated on these topics, destigmatize HIV/AIDS and create an open dialogue. Here are some of our most sought-after voices on the subject:
Jones is an iconic figure in gay rights activism for leading several organizations, memorials and foundations centered around AIDS advocacy. As a speaker, he shares personal stories of his relationship with Harvey Milk as well as the LGBTQ+ perspective to discuss histories of activism and civil rights movements. +Learn More
Born with HIV, Broadbent became an advocate for AIDS prevention at the age of six. She has dedicated her life to spreading awareness and promoting prevention to people of all ages. +Learn More
Considered one of the world’s best divers, Louganis was diagnosed with HIV the same year he made Olympic history. He has since used the “Olympic spirit” to advocate for mental health issues that often follow these diseases. +Learn More
Najimy is well-known not only for her work in more than 30 films, but also her advocacy surrounding various progressive social causes. For over three decades, she has been a passionate activist for AIDS. Her long history in the movement allows her to counter misinformation and homophobia surrounding HIV/AIDS with important truths. +Learn More