APB Congratulates Exclusive Speaker Dr. Eddie S. Glaude on Being Named The Stowe Prize 2021 Honoree
01 Mar 2021

APB would like to congratulate exclusive speaker, Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, on being named The Stowe Prize 2021 honoree. The Stowe Prize recognizes a distinguished book of general adult fiction or non-fiction that illuminates a critical social justice issue in contemporary society in the United States. Dr. Glaude’s Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own is a New York Times best-seller, shortlisted for the Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice, and was named “One of the Best Books of the Year” by both The Washington Post and TIME.
“I am honored and excited that Begin Again has been awarded The 2021 Stowe Prize… Thank you for recognizing the effort.” -Dr. Eddie S. Glaude