Dike Drummond
Physician Coach & CEO of TheHappyMD.com
Dike Drummond
Physician Coach & CEO of TheHappyMD.com
Dr. Dike Drummond is a high-energy coach, speaker and trainer with a unique talent for enabling transformation rather than just providing entertainment or information. Dr. Drummond’s expertise in personal change was developed through a combination of 11 years as a family practice doctor and 10 years as a business coach working with physicians and startup entrepreneurs. He is the creator of the 1 Minute Stress Relief online training program, the Physician Burnout Prevention Video Training series and the Physician Burnout MATRIX Report with over 117 ways to lower stress and prevent physician burnout. He is also the author of Physician Burnout Handbook: Stress Relief for the Busy Doctor, with 34,000 books sold.
Dr. Drummond is a Mayo trained family practice physician with a unique combination of ground level experience in medicine, leadership, coaching and personal and business development. He graduated from the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, MN and completed his Family Practice Residency at the Shasta Cascade Program in Redding, CA.
Dr. Drummond left medicine in 1999 to become an entrepreneur, beginning with his Interactive Guided Imagery Practice. He served as COO of Superteams, LLC providing leadership and facilitation training to Lean Six Sigma Black Belts in all branches of the US military. Currently, he is the CEO of TheHappyMD.com, providing burnout treatment and prevention coaching to physicians and other healthcare providers. His writing on burnout prevention, leadership and work life balance has been published online at HuffingtonPost.com, KevinMD.com, Sermo.com, TheDoctorWeighsIn.com and HealthworksCollective.com. He now has 2,100 hours of one on one physician coaching experience, trained with over 70 corporate or association/society clients and trained over 25,000 physicians to date. In addition, he is the creator of the Heart of the Healer and Quadruple Aim Physician, garnering 25,000 website hits a month. These leadership retreats have over 18,000 online community members in 63 countries around the world, with 5 certified physician burnout coaches offering a free initial session.
Dr. Drummond delivers highly interactive, fully customized teachings on stress management and burnout prevention, physician engagement, physician and staff wellness and coaching skills for healthcare leaders. He creates a unique, PowerPoint free learning environment where all attendees have fun building a Personal Action Plan of simple steps to put their learning to use the very next day on the job.
Speech Topics
Burnout Proof Live Workshop
This training is appropriate for all employees of a healthcare organization. We deliver a 90-minute version to physicians and other frontline providers, and a 60-minute version to mixed employee groups – nurses, medical assistants, reception, administrators – teaching them the things we have learned from doctors that can help them prevent their own burnout.
The content is incredibly important for all healthcare leaders both physicians and non-physicians.
When training providers, we also highly recommended spouses and significant others be invited. The significant other is you early warning system for burnout. They learn a lot and enjoy this training immensely.
This interactive, high energy live workshop teaches how to recognize and prevent burnout, lower stress and build a more balanced life using insights from Dr. Drummond’s 1800+ hours of one-on-one physician coaching.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Understand the difference between stress and burnout.
- Understand the three main symptoms of burnout and how they differ in men and women.
- Be able to recognize burnout in themselves and others.
- Understand first steps to reverse burnout in themselves and colleagues.
- Understand burnout’s pathophysiology, effects, complications and five main causes.
- Learn and practice the six most impactful burnout prevention tools from out executive coaching practice. Includes Ideal job Description, Schedule HACK and Boundary Ritual.
- All attendees will begin planning their own personal burnout prevention strategy and identify their first action step.
One Minute Mindfulness Training
This interactive, high energy workshop teaches an instantly deployable, single breath mindfulness technique – the “SqueeGee Breath”. The SqueeGee Breath technique was proven effective in a research project with 24 volunteer physicians. 13 of 16 measurements of mindfulness, stress and burnout showed statistically significant positive changes.
Learning Objectives:
- Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Develop a personal working definition of Mindfulness.
- Understand the benefits of mindfulness, both personally and as a healthcare provider.
- Practice sitting mediation – perhaps for the first time.
- Lear and practice the four-part SqueeGee breath.
- Understand modern Trigger theory of habit formation
- Develop a personal plan to deploy the SqueeGee Breath with a “SuperHabit Trigger” the next day on the job.
Transforming Physician Resistance to Change
This interactive, high energy, live workshop teaches the unique comfort zone of the practicing physician. Attendees learn why common patterns of physician resistance to change are to be expected as result of the conditioning of their medical education process. Multiple methods to connect with and influence a physician’s behavior are shared.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training all attendees will:
- Understand why physician resistance to change is normal.
- Learn the unique “hub and spoke” comfort zone of physicians.
- Learn the two missing pieces to physician engagement in most organizations.
- Learn specific steps to enroll physicians in any change effort.
- Construct a person action plan – with specific steps – to build physician engagement.
Nimble Leadership
This interactive, high energy live training focuses on leadership skills for a VUCA environment. VUCA = Volatility – Uncertainty – Complexity – Ambiguity. Attendees learn specific skills developed by the Army Ware College, to maintain a proactive leadership focus despite little ability to predict short or long-term industry changes.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Learn three principles for effective leadership in a VUCA environment:
- Clarity – what you can be clear on when all around you is complex, uncertain and ambiguous.
- Readiness – how to engage you teams in innovation and readiness activities.
- Resilience – how to maintain your teams in the optimum band of the stress vs. performance curve
- Develop a personal action plan to immediately deploy these new skills with their work teams.
The Quadruple Aim Blueprint
This interactive, high energy live workshop teacher how a single physician leadership committee controlling a four-part strategy can build an organization-wide burnout prevention program and hard wire the Quadruple Aim into the systems and culture of your organization.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Understand the connection between burnout, engagement and the Quadruple Aim.
- Understand the gap in the medical education process when it comes to stress, life balance, self-care and burnout prevention.
- Learn a four-part strategy to lower stress and prevent burnout across the organization:
- Education – Live training, self-study, web based training
- Rapid, survey-targeted quality improvement project
- Crisis management – both forma l and informal systems.
- An active and engagement social/cultural calendar for your people.
Physician Leadership Power Tools
This interactive, high-energy workshop teaches new physician leaders the importance of creating a culture of trust on their teams and the skills to make that happen.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Identify the default physician leadership paradigm and its problems.
- Learn a leadership paradigm of Trust, Teamwork and performance that is matched to the needs of a straddle leader.
- Learn and practice five skills to create a culture of trust and high performance on their teams:
- Treat yourself like a dog.
- Lead by asking questions.
- Measure it or forget it.
- Awareness of stress/burnout.
- Recognize and deal with dilemmas.
Physician’s Guide to Navigating a Bureaucracy
This interactive workshop fills another hole in the physician’s medial education – how to manage your boss and get what you need inside a bureaucracy. The tools are applicable to any large organizational setting – employer group, hospital, health plan, ACO.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, all attendees will:
- Get the support you need to create a more Ideal Practice.
- Learn the keys to influence inside a bureaucracy.
- How to manage your boss.
- When to ask for forgiveness and when to ask for permission.
- Why you must take your “doctor hat” off in these situations.
- Four Power tips, including:
- No whining- always bring a WIN:WIN solution.
- Always rehearse your conversation.
- The continuation rule for conversations with your boss.
- If you meet resistance, volunteer to be a pilot project.