Vicki Hitzges
Teambuilding Motivational Speaker, Author & Former Television Host
Vicki Hitzges
Teambuilding Motivational Speaker, Author & Former Television Host
Disease. Political fighting. Racial tensions. Protests. Jobs lost. Alcoholism. Physical, verbal, and child abuse. What a heck of a time to be alive! These are trying times. Vicki Hitzges (“Hits’ guess”) is an expert in positive work environments. (Whether the work takes place at home or in a commercial building.)
Vicki first ramped up her speaking skills as a TV news anchor. In her early 20’s, she was named Dallas Bureau Chief at KTVT in Dallas, at the time, the largest, independent television station in the nation. Later, she anchored the news for the NBC affiliate (KRIS) in Corpus Christi, TX where she won the National Headliner Award from the Press Club of Atlantic City. She then co-hosted the Dallas Cowboy’s weekly TV show, Special Edition, before becoming a publicist. What that means to you is—she can tell interesting stories and edit sizzling videos to inform and entertain your group.
As a publicist, one of her clients included the man then considered to be the world’s top motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. Impressed with her creativity, Zig urged Vicki to speak and personally mentored her.
Vicki speaks across the world to associations, companies, and universities who want a proven, strong message about teamwork, customer service, and how to keep a positive work environment. She’s been interviewed by publications ranging from the Dallas Morning News to the Chicago Tribune to Entrepreneur magazine. She’s been a guest on radio and TV programs internationally including a segment on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) where frustrated hosts called her for inspiration when their team, Manchester United, was losing. (Afterwards, the famed soccer team won!)
Vicki holds a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) title. When she earned that honor, only seven percent of speakers held it worldwide (and just a few hundred women.)
She’s authored two books, the first of which sold out the first day! Bam! All 5,000 copies! Gone! That book, Attitude is Everything – 10 Steps to Staying Positive, sells internationally as does her second book, Stuck on Stop – How to Quit Procrastinating.
Vicki enjoys interesting sermons and stories, clean comedy, chocolate, lively conversation, and crushing opponents in board games. (Not necessarily in that order.)
Speaker Videos
Virtual Reel
Speaking Reel
Speech Topics
Wow Customers with Great Customer Service: How to Build Strong Business Relationships
How people regard you determines your success. For example, do others respect you? Enjoy working with you? Doing business with you? How you’re regarded matters because when others esteem you (and your business), they want to work with you and recommend you.
Good relationships fuel business. How do you start? Begin with internal customers. For example, help co-workers when they’re behind. Then later, when you’re in a pinch, those co-workers will help you. While some will be fickle–you can bet–the more help you give, the more you’ll get.
But here’s a valuable tip:
Don’t give for what you’ll get. Practice kindness and serve others for what you will become. What you will become is joyful.
Vicki Hitzges can’t wait to meet you to share this FUN, interactive material. You’ll laugh, share new techniques, get to know each other, practice the #1 team building, service and sales skill, and take away some really good customer service skills!
For instance, some of the customer service skills that will be discussed include:
- How to instantly make a positive first impression
- How to listen (as customer service skills go, listening is #1)
- A handshaking secrete that will instantly endear you to others
- How to give and receive compliments
- How to stay positive even in negative circumstances
You’ll enjoy the activities, fast-pace, information, stories, and humor. Whether you’re an employee, a manager, an entrepreneur, a vendor, or eager to start a business, you’ll benefit personally and professionally.
Dominate Deadlines: How to Stop Procrastinating
Eager to dominate deadlines and stop procrastinating? Want to enjoy the zesty feeling of accomplishment? If so, then this talk is for you. That’s because sometimes we need someone to whack up our kickstand to get us going. Get ready! Because you’re about to get that whack and an encouraging push.
All kinds of things hold us back — not just laziness, but fear, not knowing what to do, and not knowing how to get out of fur-lined ruts. (Although we stay in them by our own choices, even fur-lined ruts are not furrows in which we want to be trapped!) So, Vicki will give you some practical tips, reminders, and encouragement to help you tackle goals, open doors, and start feeling great again!
You CAN achieve your goals and desires! This presentation’s based on STUCK ON STOP – HOW TO QUIT PROCRASTINATING. It’ll get you back into gear. So you can enjoy life! After all, no one ever regrets hitting their goals. Heck — you get a great feeling just from drawing a line through a To Do item!
It might surprise you to hear:
- Why psychologists say we procrastinate (probably not what you suspect)
- How to get past “Writer’s Block”
- An easy cure to get more creative instantly (Try it!)
- What to do if you put off tasks because you’re afraid to fail
- A “can’t miss” solution for how to stop procrastinating
Attitude is Everything: How to Stay Positive at Home & at Work
You know how when someone rings your doorbell — your dog goes absolutely nuts? He wags his tail. Barks. Pants like a marathoner. Almost explodes from expectation. Let me ask you something — How often is the caller for him? Right! NEVER! But he keeps thinking, “THIS time!”
Dogs know how to stay positive. Even when they hear “no” over and over, they stay eager. (Those of us in sales can learn from that)
We benefit when we learn how to stay positive, it’s doable! We can decide to not worry. (Vicki will tell you how!). We can select positive friends. Set goals. Encourage others. Practice gratitude. Those practices are all learned skills and they, and along with other skills, hold the secrets to how to stay positive at home AND how to stay positive at work.
Vicki will teach you:
- How to stop worrying (it’s tempting to think “what if” but that steals your joy)
- How to stay positive (with a pen or a computer)
- How to choose friends and associates wisely
- A method to quickly turn around your bad day — and brighten others’ day as well
When it comes to relationship success, personal happiness, and career triumphs, attitude may seem like a little thing. But — Attitude is everything! If you can persevere when things are falling apart, you can conquer. Learn how to stay positive!
Benefits: Work contently. Feel more joy. Get freedom from fear. Boost morale. When you feel positive, you’re free to produce and excel. When you know how to stay positive, you’ll enjoy a satisfying life, and a vibrant business!
Baby, Take Off Your Stress: You Can Leave Your Hat On
We’re stressed!!! We have waaaay too much to do. Not enough time to do it. And not nearly enough resources to get it all done. So, would it help to know how to deal with stress? Or, if you can forget all the tensions at home, how to deal with stress at work?
If you feel stress, and chances are you do — a Gallop poll showed that 80% of Americans feel stress all or part of the time — you need some relief. By the way, think about that. 80% of people feel stress. 80! Look at any 10 people – statistically, all but two of them are anxious, uptight, and probably crabby, cranky and not sleeping well.
When 80% of your co-workers need to relieve stress, that’s a problem! Let’s tackle it! Let’s talk about how to deal with stress and specifically how to deal with stress at work. Does Roger STILL leave 1/8 inch of coffee in the pot so that technically he doesn’t have to brew a new pot? Does Sylvia still leave leftovers in the refrigerator no matter how often she’s asked not to? Does Liz still…well, we all know HER problem.
If THEY won’t change, let’s talk about how to cope so we don’t go berserk!
We could use a few laughs and some solid advice. Let’s cover the dangers of stress, some causes of stress, and, most importantly, how to get rid of stress!
- Terrific opening keynote
- Fun breakout
- Interactive presentation
- Five major ways to zap stress
- Eight funky ways to wipe out stress instantly
Your group will laugh and learn as they HEAR, SEE and DO what it takes to relieve the Number One health problem facing Americans today…stress!
Why is Change So Hard?: How to Deal with Your Resistance to Change
From the instant you hit the delivery room, your life has been a conga line of changes. Just think–you’ve experienced new friends. Lost friends. Joys. Moves. Griefs. Dead batteries. Losses. New jobs. Promotions. And so on. Yet — with all that practice — we struggle with how to deal with change.
So, Vicki Hitzges can’t wait to share an easy-to-remember, three-step formula to help you deal with change — specifically the changes you need to make — but resist making.
The formula works because:
- It’s easy to picture, so it’s easy to remember
- It’s a process you’ve seen — but probably never thought to apply to yourself
- It’ll give you the courage and motivation you need to tackle your next change
Best of all, the presentation is chock-full of stories about how to deal with change. What’s more, it also has a FUN activity that deals specifically with how to deal with change at work. Oh! And the tips have a LOT to do with this dog. (Because of that, the tips are easy to picture and remember.)
So why is change so hard? Come to this presentation! After you do, it won’t be!