APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency

Social, Community & Cultural Issues

Trauma & Trauma Informed Care

Trauma & Trauma Informed Care:

Vincent  Felitti
Vincent Felitti

Investigator, Adverse Childhood Experience Study

Vincent Felitti, MD, is a physician and researcher on the negative impacts in adults of adverse childhood experiences. Dr. Felitti is co-principal investigator of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study.

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Dr. Robert  Anda
Dr. Robert Anda

Co-Founder of ACE Study

Dr. Robert Anda played the principal role in the design of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and serves as its Co-Principal Investigator. He has presented findings from the ACE Study at Congressional Briefings and numerous conferences.

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Nora  McInerny
Nora McInerny

Best-Selling Author, Creator and Host of Podcasts “Terrible Thanks for Asking” & “It’s Going To Be OK”

How are you? Nora McInerny wants to know the truth. As the creator and host of the podcasts “Terrible, Thanks For Asking” & “It’s Going To Be OK,” and the TED speaker known for her viral talk, Nora specializes in making space for emotional honesty and difficult conversations.

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Tonier  Cain
Tonier Cain

Trauma Survivor & Internationally Recognized Trauma Informed Care Expert

Tonier works tirelessly to raise the awareness about trauma informed care around the world. Tonier is an advocate and educator, speaking all over the world on trauma, addiction, incarceration, homelessness, substance abuse and mental health.

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William   Kellibrew IV
William Kellibrew IV

Activist & Expert on Violence

Speaker William Kellibrew IV is an international advocate for civil, human, women, children, and victims' rights who speaks about violence, trauma, trauma-informed care, and children exposed to violence.

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Taylor  Coffman
Taylor Coffman

Actor, Author & Patient Advocate

As an actor and author, Taylor has captivated audiences with her unique blend of talent, humor, authenticity and inspiring personal story of survival and resilience.

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Dr. Jerome  Adams
Dr. Jerome Adams

The 20th Surgeon General of the United States & Executive Director of Health Equity Initiatives at Purdue

After growing up poor and Black in a Southern rural community, Jerome Adams went on to lead the 6,000 person U.S. Public Health Service as “America’s Doctor” during a worldwide pandemic. 

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David  Hogg
David Hogg

Co-Founder of March For Our Lives & of Leaders We Deserve

Thrust into the world of activism by the largest school shooting in American history, Parkland survivor David Hogg has become one of the most compelling voices of his generation.

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