"Parade" Magazine Feature: APB’s Kim Campbell on Being Her Husband’s Caregiver
02 Aug 2018

In her Parade magazine feature story, Kim Campbell shares her experience being a full-time caretaker for husband Glen Campbell as he battled Alzheimer's. When his condition began to decline, she made the difficult decision to get help from a residential program: “Glen needed a specialized environment with people trained to take care of him.” After overcoming the stigma that she "was putting her husband in a home," Kim and her children were finally able to take time for themselves, as they were given “peace of mind that no matter what time of day it was, Glen was being checked on and cared for and loved.” They also found themselves in a new community with other families going through the same situation and offering each other support.
Now a passionate advocate for families dealing with Alzheimer's, Campbell helps people learn about--and take advantage of--the options and resources available. She created the blog CareLiving, which inspires and empowers caregivers to care for themselves as they care for others.