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APB Speaker Mark Blyth Interviewed on Book "Angrynomics" & How it can be Applied to COVID-19

30 Jun 2020

APB Speaker Mark Blyth Interviewed on Book "Angrynomics" & How it can be Applied to COVID-19 

APB speaker and Political Economy Professor at Brown University, Mark Blyth, discusses anger, politics and economics in his latest book Angrynomics. Mark Blyth and Eric Lonergan have written a book for anyone anxious, worried, or angry about the inconsistency between how they experience the world with the increasing day to day pressures they face and the model used by economic elites and politicians to explain and justify it. 

In an interview with Marketplace, when asked how he would reimagine the post COVID economy, Blyth mentions how he wants to change the economy in radical ways. Mark shares ideas for a “citizens wealth fund” distributing wealth, similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, distributing checks to those who want to start a business, or go to college. Those who take on a risk buying certain assets will get the reward.   

+Listen to His Interview Here 

In his talks, Blyth suggests a set of new ideas that cut across tired old political lines and that shy away from the usual appeal to raising taxes. From the creation of Citizens Wealth Funds, funded by the profits of financial crises, to a Data Dividend from the sale of our data to digital monopolists, Blyth stresses the many ways that are there to push us back from “Angrynomics.” 

+Learn More About Mark Blyth