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Connie  Dieken

Connie Dieken

Keynote Speaker on Meaningful Influence & Presence

Connie Dieken

Keynote Speaker on Meaningful Influence & Presence


Connie Dieken is the founder of The Dieken Group—an executive coaching and consulting firm that specializes in influential leadership and presence in the spotlight.

She’s also the founder of Influence 360°, an assessment that measures an individual’s personal influence pattern and guides them on how to influence in even the toughest conditions.  

Connie developed her unique skills during twenty years as a TV journalist for ABC and NBC. She received five Emmy Awards®, two Telly Awards® and was inducted into the Radio/Television Broadcasters Hall of Fame®.

She’s also a top-selling author. Both her books, Talk Less, Say More and Become the Real Deal, hit #1 on the Amazon bestseller list. The audio version of Talk Less, Say More, narrated by Connie, also reached #1 on Audible’s bestseller list. 

A renowned keynote speaker, Connie has delivered speeches on four continents to audiences in the thousands. She talks about how to develop leadership influence and presence that lasts.

Speaker Videos

World Credit Union Conference Video Testimonial for Connie Dieken

Speech Topics

Own Your Presence: How to Build Your Brand, Establish Trust & Gain Lasting Influence

This highly engaging session is based on Connie’s latest bestselling book, Become The Real Deal: The Proven Path to Influence and Executive Presence. Connie brings an urgent message of how to gain gravitas in today's demanding, judgmental, attention-deficit world. Her decade-long Presence Project research study has uncovered startling disparities between the way we want to be known and the way we are known. In this uniquely interactive session, Connie pinpoints the three most crucial presence problems that undermine our power – issues we're often oblivious to that zap our ability to be – and be seen as – the real deal. Your attendees will experience a powerful ah-ha moment as one of the world's top executive coaches guides them to identify their presence problem, and frees them to transform into the powerfully influential leaders they're meant to be.  

Audiences will learn:

  • How to discover their own Centers of Influence and how to capitalize on them to become the powerful, purposeful authority they are meant to be.
  • How they can override personal influence-killing tendencies, such as narcissism, anxiety, long-windedness, silence, social facades and invisibility.
  • How to uncover the strengths and skills they need to gain influence and lead their organization to success.

Influence Positive Change: Three Habits to Make Things Happen (Regardless of Position or Power)

Are distracted, impatient people tuning you out before you can make your point? In this program, you’ll learn to bring your A-game to interpersonal communication. Your audience will walk away with three powerful habits to help them connect with anyone, convey information clearly, and convince anyone to take action. Gaining true influence is one of the greatest challenges we face today. Connie’s message challenges the myth that power equals influence. She will discuss the crucial distinction between power, influence, and persuasion. Influence is the key driver of sustainable leadership and is deeply rooted in connection, clarity, and commitment. Often people attempt to use their position as power and spend their time persuading others to make one-off decisions, which is short-term, inefficient, and squanders leadership capital.

Attendees will discover how to:

  • CONNECT with anyone to instantly capture their undivided attention
  • CONVEY and nail information without overloading or confusing
  • CONVINCE anyone to take the action you want and feel good about it.

Present To Win: Develop & Deliver Ideas that Influence

Your audience will never approach or deliver a presentation the same way after experiencing this program. This keynote hones in on the outcome of presenting: how to influence positive decision-making. From this point forward, your attendees will place their own audiences at the center of everything they do. Connie models her strategies from the stage, so your audience gets a double dip as they discover her wildly successful approach that Fortune 100 teams have adopted as their winning presentation model. 

Your audience will discover how to:

  • Reverse-engineer messages to influence even the most demanding people
  • Simplify to amplify to fight presentation bloat
  • Present naked. (It's not what it sounds like, but it's wildly fun.)

The Influence Matrix®​

This keynote explores Connie’s research on the Influence Matrix including influence, persuasion, manipulation and dominance. It’s designed for audiences to explore their leadership style and ensure they aim to be influential, regardless of the conditions.

The Influence Cycle®

This keynote explores Connie’s research on The Influence Cycle. Your audience will discover the 3 steps to influence transformative change: Connect, Convey, Convince. It’s designed for those who lead cross-functionally without authority and who aim to build influence.

The Dammit Principle®​

This keynote zeros in on Connie’s research on Influence Mapping. Your audience will discover how to synthesize messages to interact at the highest level with boards of directors, industry analysts, senior leadership teams and other high-stakes interactions.
