David Pogue
Emmy-Winning CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent, NOVA Host & Former New York Times Columnist
David Pogue
Emmy-Winning CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent, NOVA Host & Former New York Times Columnist
"David was an absolute pleasure to work with and delivered a home run keynote for our attendees! We received an extensive amount of positive feedback on David's presentation. He was funny, engaging, and we had several attendees share that they "learned a lot" about AI that they didn't know. David delivered on all levels, and we couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome and reception to his presentation. I cannot recommend him enough!"
- Healthcare Financial Management Association
The go-to expert on disruptive tech and science in a fast-changing world, David Pogue is a New York Times bestselling author, beloved CBS Sunday Morning correspondent, NOVA host on PBS and New York Times contributor. Whether he’s covering AI, autonomous vehicles, the future of technology in healthcare, a post-robot world or climate change, David is a master communicator who brings even the most non-technical audiences up to speed. His highly entertaining keynotes prove that science and technology blend brilliantly with storytelling, humor and, frequently, music and song. David provides invaluable insights on how technology impacts our work, businesses, health, society and connections with each other—now and into the future.
David has been at the forefront of new and emerging tech trends for decades. For 13 years, he wrote the weekly tech column for the New York Times. For a decade, he wrote a monthly column for Scientific American. His work on CBS Sunday Morning has won him seven Emmy awards.
David is one of the world’s bestselling “how-to” authors, with more than 120 titles and 3 million copies in print. These include seven books in the For Dummies series, his New York Times bestselling Pogue’s Basics series of essential tips and shortcuts, and the Missing Manual series of computer books. His 2021 book, How to Prepare for Climate Change (Simon & Schuster), provides practical advice on preparing for an era of extreme weather events and other climate-caused chaos.
With broad appeal to general, business, healthcare, and tech audiences alike, David brings expansive knowledge, engaging wit and an occasional song to center stage. Audiences leave as informed as they are entertained, with an enlightened perspective of the state of science and technology today—and how it’s shaping everyone’s tomorrow.
Speaker Videos
Keynote on A.I. with David Pogue
David Pogue’s Hot Take on A.I. in 2023
Fireside Chat - David Pogue
From Broadway to Tech Journalism | A Deep Dive Interview with David Pogue
Opening for Insanely Great The Apple Mac at 40
The Ys Men Present
ChatGPT and Google Bard
How to Prepare for Climate Change
10 top time-saving tech tips
Virtual Keynote | Tech & the Great Lockdown: The Three Big Questions
Simplicity sells
The Internet of Good (and Bad) Things
Tips and Shortcuts to Improve Your Life
Disruptive Technology: What's New What's Next?
Speech Topics
Artificial Intelligence Gets Real
For decades, AI was little more than a computer-science research project. But almost overnight, it’s become fantastically useful—and terrifying. Type and ye shall receive: computer-generated pictures and videos, in any style; writing, in any form; or music, in any genre. Educators are calling it “the end of teaching writing skills.” Experts, alarmed by deepfakes (AI-generated videos of real people saying things they never said) are calling it “the end of trust, news, and democracy.”
These tools seem poised to eliminate millions of jobs, allow writing and other creative skills to fade out of humanity, and unleash misinformation on a scale never seen before.
Optimists insist that these tools will bring forth a new era of creative expression, productivity, and equity, that they’ll unleash self-driving cars, climate solutions, and astonishing healthcare breakthroughs in disease prediction and drug creation.
In this funny, unforgettable presentation—updated the very day of the talk—David Pogue demonstrates the state of the art in AI creativity…manages your emotions…and prepares you for the years to come.
Disruptive Tech & How it Will Affect Your Business: What’s Coming by 2026
With over 30 years of experience reporting technology trends—and the entertaining style that has earned him six Emmys for his CBS Sunday Morning stories—New York Times bestselling author David Pogue examines how technology will continue to impact your industry, business, and customers and change society and culture. From AI and climate tech to the Internet of Things, sharing the next wave of consumer tech impacting the workplace, drones and robotics, self-driving cars and flying taxis, wearable medical sensors and software and the latest disrupters emerging on the horizon, David combines knowledge gained researching and writing and simplifies the complex as he prepares audiences to take on the future. He will take you on a wild ride through the cutting-edge science and technology that is powering the next wave of technological innovation. David’s funny, fast-paced snapshot will bring you up to date—with a heads-up on how to succeed in a world we’ve never seen before.
This engaging and informative talk is intended to be tailored to the client’s specific industry and business challenges. David will confer with you before your event to discuss your goals and customize content to make it highly relevant to your audience.
The Post AI & Robot World: Life in 2050
From autonomous vehicles and delivery drones to unmanned grocery stores, we’ve seen a rise of people-replacing technologies within the last few years. As these changes continue, it’s time to start thinking about the post-robot, post-AI world. What will all of these displaced workers do? How will they get an income? Most of all, how will they find meaning? In this talk, New York Times bestselling author and futurist David Pogue explores where we are on the road to automated employees, preparing audiences practically and emotionally for the very near future. Examining both the societal and individual impacts, David looks at the challenges ahead and evaluates some of the solutions.
How to Prepare for Climate Change
Maybe you’re liberal, maybe you’re conservative. Maybe you think the climate crisis is man-made, maybe you don’t. Maybe you think the whole thing is a Chinese hoax. It doesn’t matter. The time for bickering is long gone. The world has warmed, natural systems are going haywire and you should begin to prepare.
Most people assume that governments, corporations and institutions are the only entities capable of developing protection against climate chaos. But for his new book How to Prepare for Climate Change, New York Times bestselling author David Pogue spent a year researching the answers to a new question: How can an individual prepare for the coming era of chaos?
Where to live. How to build. Where to invest. What to eat. What to grow. What to study. How to talk to your kids (and whether to have them). How to be medically prepared. And, as extreme weather events become more commonplace in every state in America, how to prepare for flooding, wildfire, drought, hurricane, heatwaves and social breakdown.
This presentation is lively, current, eye-opening, filled with surprising revelations—and, ultimately, uplifting. After having our heads pounded day after day by depressing headlines, David presents a breath of fresh air: a practical path forward that’s entirely within your control.
Smart Cities
In Pittsburgh, nobody sits at a red light anymore if there aren’t any other cars at the intersection. In Palo Alto, nobody clogs the streets driving around looking for parking: An app shows them where the open parking spots are. In Singapore, public cameras issue you a ticket automatically if you spit in public.
Welcome to smart cities, where cheap sensors and citywide Internet let the moving parts of urban life talk to each other—and to city departments and city residents. The goal is a massive savings of money, time and carbon emissions, not to mention improved public safety and convenience. The challenges: Funding, know-how and striking the right privacy balance.
In this entertaining, informative crash course, five-time Emmy-winning tech columnist David Pogue traces the smart-city timeline—from the past (the smartphone, Internet of Things gadgets, smart buildings) to a vision of tomorrow’s cities—with examples of case studies and wry sense of humor.
The American Science Backlash
Flat-earthers. Climate deniers. Anti-vaxxers. Something has changed in America, a nation that used to trust and take pride in its scientists. And in the case of vaccine hesitancy, it’s killing people. How did we get here?
Part of it is how fast science is evolving. Nobody questions the science of melting ice or photosynthesis—it’s just new science that’s suspect, coming on too fast for adults to process. (By January 2021, over 90,000 COVID papers had been published.) We also suffer from mixed messaging from our authorities, the rise of misinformation on social media and the uncontrolled politicization of science. And yet weirdly, 84% of Americans still say that they trust scientists to act in the public’s best interest—down only 2% during the pandemic. What’s going on?
In this fascinating deep dive, David Pogue explores the American science-trust crisis, gets inside the heads of doubters—and outlines a path to making things better.
AI & Its Effect on the Healthcare Industry
Artificial intelligence is upending every person, job, and company on earth—but nowhere is it doing more good for humanity than in healthcare. Breakthroughs like Google’s AlphaFold can shorten the timeline for new-drug discovery by 100 times. Smartwatches can fling open the doors to hyper-personalized medicine. Machine learning can now predict the onset of lung cancer, heart disease, or heart blockages based on scans of *completely healthy* people. In this lively, up-to-date talk, seven-time Emmy winner and CBS Sunday Morning science correspondent David Pogue gives you a crash course in AI: How it works. Where it fails. And how it’s bringing stunning benefits to health providers, payers, pharmaceuticals and patients.