College & Independent Schools
Black History Month & MLK Commemoration
Black History Month & MLK Commemoration:
Daughter of Lead Plaintiff, Brown v Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education is named for Brown Henderson's father, Oliver L. Brown. She works to affirm the tenets of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision; and to promote civic engagement, diversity and equal educational opportunity.
Educator, Author, Intersectionality Expert & Award-Winning Change-Maker
Twice named one of the 100 most influential people in Philadelphia and named one of the top 50 feminists in the world, Dr. Michelle Taylor—the social media icon known as Feminista Jones—is an educator, writer, public speaker and community activist.
Acclaimed Biographer & Pulitzer Finalist
Best-selling author, prize-winning journalist, acclaimed biographer and cultural historian Wil Haygood tells the story of America through the lens of history, politics, sports, race and the lives of change-making African-Americans.
New York Times Best-Selling Author & Award-Winning Historian
Dr. Keisha N. Blain is one of the most innovative and influential young historians of her generation. Her research and writing examine the dynamics of race, gender, and politics in both national and global perspectives.
President of the ACLU
The first person of color to lead America’s premiere civil rights and civil liberties organization in its over 100-year history, Deborah Archer is a leading civil rights and civil liberties advocate, civil rights lawyer, professor and writer.
Mother of Trayvon Martin
After the death of her son made national headlines, Fulton channeled her loss to become a gun control law activist and motivational speaker.
NAACP President & CEO
In 2017, the executive committee of the NAACP National Board of Directors elected Derrick Johnson President and CEO. Derrick Johnson formerly served as vice chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors.
Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter
Alicia Garza is someone who believes that black communities deserve what all communities deserve — to be powerful in every aspect of their lives. That’s what drives Garza as an innovator, strategist, internationally recognized organizer and writer.