Corporations & Associations
Thought Leaders
Thought Leaders:
Former President of Ireland & Former Chair of The Elders
One of the world’s most respected advocates for human rights and Ireland’s first woman President, Mary Robinson leads the mission of the Mary Robinson Foundation—Climate Justice.
Distinguished Professor of Business, Babson College
Best-selling business author, consultant and global thought leader Raj Sisodia specializes in showing businesses how to create meaningful social impact that drives purpose, profitability and extraordinary performance.
Founder of Eurasia Group
Ian Bremmer is the president of Eurasia Group, a global political risk research and consulting firm, and the author of Every Nation for Itself, The End of the Free Market and Superpower.
Physicist & Best-Selling Author
Leonard Mlodinow, co-author with Stephen Hawking on the latest bestseller The Grand Design, explores the four-year effort to answer the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.
Author of The Heretic: Daily Therapeutics for Entrepreneurs
Pascal Finette draws you into a spellbinding future where artificial intelligence, robotics, synthetic biology and other exponential technologies solve humanity’s greatest challenges.
Leading IT Scientist
If the Big Data revolution has a presiding genius, it's Alex “Sandy” Pentland. Over years of groundbreaking experiments, he has distilled remarkable discoveries that have become the bedrock for social physics.
World-Renowned Theoretical Physicist
Dr. Michio Kaku is an authority in Einstein's unified theory field, innovation, and "the future of the future.” He explores the science of tomorrow from computing power and AI to communication and genetics.
Leading Authority on Climate Change
Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern) is a globally recognized economist, and one the world’s leading authorities on climate change, international development and global economic growth.